Facebook's Secret Plan To Undermine Google Backfires


Corporate corruption done right can topple rival companies from the inside out. Corporate subversion through wrong however, tends to do a hilarious mess.

Take, e.g., the debacle Facebook finds itself in after a Porto Rico firm in the employ of the cultural networking giant was caught spreading leering stories about rival Net megacorporation Google.

"[Facebook] hired Burson-Marsteller, a top public-relations firm, to shift anti-Google stories to newspapers, urging them to investigate claims that Google was invading people's privacy," claims a new story in the Every day Beast. "Burson true offered to assistant an influential blogger write a Google-bashing op-ED, which it promised it could place in outlets like The Washington Station, Pol, and The Huffington Post."

The tauten would have gotten aside with information technology too, if it wasn't for meddling bloggers. That "influential blogger" Burson spoke to, declined the firm's offer to write an anti-Google article, and instead distinct to post the offer verbatim on the 'net. Shortly thereafter, USA Today ran a story alleging that the PR firm was engaged in a "whisper campaign" against Google.

Once this all came to light, Facebook couldn't exactly deny its intentions present, so alternatively the company went in the paired direction. Speaking to the Daily Beast, a Facebook spokesman unchangeable Facebook's connecter to Burson-Marsteller, and offered two reasons to explain its motivation: "First, because IT believes Google is doing many things in social networking that raise privacy concerns; second, and perhaps more noteworthy, because Facebook resents Google's attempts to use Facebook information in its own social-networking service."

Google has yet to officially respond to these revelations, and it's still too early to tell what, if any, the business effects of this state-supported relations blunder might be.

In person I find this whole situation to be incredibly entertaining, and am looking saucy to watching this rivalry screw up. Facebook accuses Google of violating privacy standards, Google accuses Facebook of incorporated espionage, and then on until the only real solution involves armies of cyborg ninjas.

Source: Daily Faun, via Huffington Post


Source: https://www.escapistmagazine.com/facebooks-secret-plan-to-undermine-google-backfires/

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